Fireplaces have a way of turning just about any room into a warm and cozy environment perfect for relaxation, conversation, or just plain dreaming. Sitting in front of the fire with someone you love is an experience unto itself. We make that experience more enjoyable with custom concrete fireplaces designed as pieces of art.

Artistry is what we specialize in. Applying artistry to something as utilitarian as a fireplace is not necessarily easy. But we make it happen, creating stunning designs that inspire awe in all who see them. Your home deserves such a fireplace.


We believe custom concrete fireplaces should:

·         Set the Mood – A well-conceived and designed fireplace can set the mood for the space in which it is found. Indeed, it should. Your fireplace should be a centerpiece of your home.

·         Encourage Relaxation – Artistically designed concrete fireplaces go beyond heat and flame to reach the soul. They encourage you to sit down, catch your breath, and relax.

·         Inspire Dreams – Dreams have the capacity to carry us through challenging times. Likewise, custom concrete fireplaces inspire those dreams through a combination of artistic beauty and mesmerizing flame.

More Than Mantle and Hearth

The traditional fireplace combines mantle and hearth to provide a place for fire. Modern fireplaces, especially those finished with concrete, can be anything you want them to be. You may prefer the traditional look. If so, we can re-create it in concrete. Or you may prefer something entirely modern. We can make whatever you envision a reality.

Concrete is an ideal material for custom fireplaces because we can do so much with it. It can be textured for both visual and tactile appeal. It can be colored with a variety of dies and visual accoutrements. It can be formed into an endless number of shapes. This offers the possibility of a truly unique fireplace no one else has.

A Fireplace You Will Want to Talk About

Are there one or two features in your home you talk about most? A custom concrete fireplace from Modern Craftsman will make that list. With artistic design at the forefront, your fireplace will be something you enthusiastically talk about with both friends and family members. It will become a focal point whenever you entertain. And when guests are not around, you will enjoy sitting in front of your fireplace with a favorite beverage and a good book.

There was a time when fireplaces were purely functional. Today, they are both functional and aesthetic. We specialize in the aesthetic aspects, creating custom concrete fireplaces unlike anything you have ever seen before.